The Mars Center for Science and Technology was a new building that was not only for science and technology but also used it make this building breath and green technologies to make it sustainable.
We wanted this issue to be extra-special so we went with a gatefold for the cover. The gallery below shows the cover and inside cover of the gatefold.
The inside pages showcased the features of the building. The graphic showing how the building functioned was done using Adobe Illustrator. Layout and design using Adobe InDesign.

Later in this issue we had a section about the Go Beyond campaign that we included in previous issues that highlighted donors and other aspects of the fundraising campaign. In this section we had images from the ribbon-cutting.
I was asked to come up with an idea for the ribbon cutting using DNA as the ribbon. In my search for DNA ribbon I came across these 5 foot inflatable DNA. I used velcro to link the strands together and when it came time to ‘cut’ the ribbon everyone pulled the strands apart. It was a fun way to turn a boring ribbon cutting into a photo opportunity.