Chromadepth art

Chromadepth® 3-D has been an on and off experiment of mine for at least three years. The Chromadepth® 3-D process allows the creation of a ‘normal’ looking image that can be viewed as two-dimensional, but which jumps into holographic 3-D when viewed using Chromadepth® 3-D glasses. The optics in the glasses create the hologram from the colors in the image.

The Chromadepth® 3-D process is an extension of my fascination with color and how colors are perceived with other colors around them. In this case the colors are seen on another level with the help of special glasses.

The piece shown here titled ChromaArt 001 started out as a way to show how black interacts with the various colors. When not used as a background, black usually resides on the same plane as the color it is on.

This piece can be purchased on, CLICK HERE to go directly to it.

UPDATE: I will have some Chromadepth glasses for sale in early 2011, for now go to The 3d Market and look for the Chromadepth glasses.



December 5, 2010

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