Peel that orange

An orange is not my usual choice for fruit as it takes some extra time to get to the fruit. Apples you can just eat them, no peeling required.

I just compared apples and oranges.

Usually I opt for quartering the orange and eating fruit. It’s quick and easy. Still a little messy requiring some hand washing and cleaning a cutting board and knife.

Today I thought that maybe I should challenge myself and hand peel the orange but try to keep the whole peel together. There wasn’t a plan, I just dug my thumb into the peel and worked my way around. Almost did it, one small piece fell away from the larger peel..

Now I’m wondering if I should go take a deep dive into orange peeling online. Part of me wants too, but another part thinks it may be a rabbit hole I don’t want to go down, at least not today.



February 23, 2022

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