When I started, I didn't think that my sandwich bag art may go viral and that didn’t happen quickly. Unless you think 4 years is quick. School mornings began with coffee, make sandwiches, make sure the kids were awake, draw something on each bag, make sure the kids...
May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008, that's the date stamp on the first bag I uploaded to my Flickr feed and I can't not use this cliche: it doesn't seem like 14 years ago. Doing a quick drawing on my kids' sandwich bags began after I tried and failed to draw directly on the bread with food...
Peel that orange
An orange is not my usual choice for fruit as it takes some extra time to get to the fruit. Apples you can just eat them, no peeling required. I just compared apples and oranges. Usually I opt for quartering the orange and eating fruit. It's quick and easy. Still a...
Homemade Ginger Ale
My notes are in the parenthesis. Makes about 8 cups (enough to fill a 2-liter plastic soda bottle)The original story and recipe I used is found on The Kitchn.com and is by Emma Christensen and here's her The Bold BrewerINSTRUCTIONS Peel and finely grate the ginger (I...
Spring pins
I will have some laser etched, cut, and hand-colored pins available in my online store soon. Here's a preview of the pins I will have online.
From sandwich bag to stickers, t-shirts and more
I’m redrawing a bunch of my sandwich bag art to put them on mugs, t-shirts, stickers, and more. Here’s an example of a bag I recently did that I call I Heart PIzza. This pizza art is currently available in my shop as a sticker and a t-shirt. I will be redrawing more...